Have you ever been in a situation where you've put in a lot of effort to create an amazing mobile app or website, only to struggle with keeping users engaged? If yes, you are not alone. Today, there are over 1.11 billion websites on the internet, out of which 201 million websites are currently active. Similarly, there are over 1.97 million mobile apps on the Apple App Store and 2.87 million mobile apps on the Google Play Store. With such massive numbers, making your website or app stand out and keeping users engaged is not an easy task. 

Fortunately, there are multiple methods available to help you keep your users engaged. And guess what? One of the most powerful strategies you can use is push notifications. In this fast-paced digital world, website and mobile push notifications are emerging as game-changers when it comes to boosting customer engagement in 2024. Today, we'll dive deep into creating push notifications that truly captivate your audience, keeping them coming back for more.

Understanding the Power of Push Notifications: Tips for Keeping Users Engaged

Push notifications are like a direct line of communication with users' devices. They have the amazing potential to send timely and personalized messages. But they can be a bit tricky. When used wisely, they can significantly improve the user experience. But if you go overboard or send irrelevant notifications, you might push your audience away. To make the most of push notifications and keep users engaged, let's explore some key principles.

1. Audience segmentation

To make your push notifications more relevant, you should divide your audience into segments. Factors like demographics, user behavior, and personal preferences should help you with this. By doing so, you can send customized messages that connect with different groups of users.

2. Get the timing right 

The timing of your push notifications is critical! By sending messages when your users are most active, you can greatly increase their engagement. It's a good idea to try out different times to find the perfect schedule for your audience.

3. Create clear and compelling content 

When it comes to push notifications, being clear and concise is key. The message should be instantly understandable, motivating users to take action, like opening the app, making a purchase, or engaging with specific content.

4. Personalization is necessary 

Using personalization is a powerful way to make users feel truly special. It is the secret sauce that makes your push notifications more interesting and compels the users to read and engage with them. For example, by using their names in messages and providing tailored product or content suggestions based on their past interactions, you can create an engaging and unique user experience.

5. A/B testing

To achieve success with push notifications, it's important to embrace data-driven strategies. One way to do this is through A/B testing. This means you can experiment with different elements in your push notifications, like words, visuals, and calls to action. This approach gives you the power to consistently improve your messaging strategy, using feedback and behavior from real users.

Different Types of Push Campaigns You Can Use to Boost Customer Engagement 

Now that we have discussed the basics of push notifications, let's look at some practical tips to enhance consumer engagement through different types of push campaigns:

1. Welcome and onboarding notifications 

When new users first start using your app or website, it's a critical time. They should be able to know what your platform does and how to use it effectively. Sending a series of push notifications as part of an onboarding process is a great way to help them along the way. Here are some of the ways you can leverage push notifications to welcome and onboard your users:

  • Use push notifications to introduce new users to the core features of your app or website. This will help them grasp its functionality and understand its value.
  • Guide users through the onboarding process, ensuring they don't feel overwhelmed and helping them set up their accounts or profiles.
  • Offer valuable suggestions and tips, providing insights on maximizing the effectiveness of your platform.

2. Push notifications for abandonment cart recovery 

When it comes to e-commerce platforms, abandoned carts are like missed chances. You must be aware of those situations where users add products to their carts but end up not buying them. That's what an abandoned cart is. As per Baymard Institute, the average abandonment cart rate is 70.19%. Well, guess what? Push notifications could be the secret weapon to get those lost sales back on track. Here are some tips for using them:

  • Send personalized and exciting reminders to users about their abandoned shopping carts to remind them of the products they showed interest in.
  • When sending push notifications for abandonment carts, it's important to use persuasive language that emphasizes the urgency and value of completing the transaction.
  • Make the deal sweeter by providing incentives like discounts, free shipping, or exclusive offers to encourage them to come back and finalize their purchases.

3. Event reminders and updates

If your app or website hosts events, conferences, webinars, or other time-sensitive activities, push notifications are a great way to keep your users informed about them. Here are some of the tips to help you out:

  • Send out timely event reminders, ensuring that users are well-prepared and don't miss out on any important details.
  • Use push notifications to generate anticipation and delight for the event by sharing glimpses, behind-the-scenes, teasers, etc., to pique curiosity.
  • Keep everyone informed about any updates regarding the event, including any changes to the schedules, newly confirmed speakers, or any additional content.

4. Push notifications for out-of-stock inventory 

Running out of inventory can result in unhappy customers, missed chances, and possible loss of interest. However, using push notifications to tackle this problem can be a smart move. Here are some top tips:

  • Use push notifications to promptly inform interested users when a popular product they are seeking is once again available.
  • Give these users the chance to be the first to receive updates about the product's availability, or even better, offer them the option to pre-order or reserve the item.
  • Incorporate scarcity marketing techniques in your notifications to highlight the product's popularity and its potential to run out of stock quickly.

5. Exclusive offers and promotions

Users love discount promotions and exclusive offers that can help them buy their favorite products at lower prices. So, using push notifications to promote a sense of urgency and exclusivity has the potential to greatly enhance user engagement.

  • Use push notifications to inform customers about exclusive deals, time-limited promotions, or early access to new products, services, or content.
  • Create persuasive content that effectively conveys the benefits of acting promptly, including potential savings, exclusive opportunities, and limited quantities.
  • Make sure that the calls to action in your notifications are easily noticeable and user-friendly for better user engagement.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it! That was all about how you can leverage push notifications to boost consumer engagement. Push notifications in 2024 have become a game-changer for consumer engagement. To keep your audience engaged and excited about your app or website, it's important to execute them thoughtfully and strategically. Remember to know your audience, personalize your messages, and provide value with every notification. By following the tips mentioned above, you can increase consumer engagement and make your app or website an essential part of your users' lives.